I set myself a little task yesterday, to see if I could make a stool in one hour.
Luckily I had a slice of elm already cut, so that saved some time
Unfortunately it was sitting out in the rain, so it was wetter than an otter's backside.
I tried to draw out some of the moisture with shavings that were laying around
I've had this black locust sitting around so I cut that to length for the legs.
I'm still getting the hang of this froe; I think I just need to whack it harder.
I tried to use a drawknife but my weak bench was moving too much, and I had a lot of material to remove so I went back to the chopping block and grabbed a hatchet.
Skipping the drawknife I used a scrub plane to rough out the legs and shape the tenons. I was running out of time so I left the shape very rough.
The seat was mostly flat, I just evened-up some of the marks from the chainsaw, then bored holes with a slight angle. I didn't bother working the underside, but I did clean off some of the soft and wet wood along the edge.
Fitting the legs was just a matter of trial and error. I knocked the stool against the floor to really seat them, and then cut off the tops.
Is it pretty? No. Can I take it apart and clean it up later? Yes. Is it functional?
Of course, did I finish it in one hour? No, it was two hours, but it's done and I can use it.